When you purchase ebooks, you're purchasing a single-user licence that grants one registered user (i.e. you) the right to use the ebook. The ebook can only be accessed when you are logged in with your associated account and cannot be shared with other users.

Transferring your ebook to another user would be a violation of the licence terms and classified as piracy. For this reason, Snapplify uses DRM software to protect digital content and ensure that it cannot be shared illegally.

Books may not be transferred from one student to another, when, for example, the second student wishes to ‘reuse’ that title the following year.

Books may be transferred from one account to another in specific circumstances, such as if a parent created an account and purchased books on their child's behalf. Ideally, accounts should be created for the student instead to avoid this scenario.

Should you wish to transfer books from one account to another, please send an email to [email protected] so that our support team can evaluate whether this can be done. Please provide the correct usernames (old and new) to simplify the transfer process.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].