If you are signing in to Snapplify with a Snapplify username and password and you want to sign in with Google instead, you can choose Google as your preferred method of authentication. In doing so, you allow Google to sign in to Snapplify on your behalf, using your existing username and password. 

You'll need to enable this authentication manually and it may look slightly different, depending on the device you are doing it from, but it's as simple as clicking a button.

You don't have to register a new Google account to authenticate with Google. If you already have a username and password for Snapplify, you can follow this method to enable authentication via Google with your existing logins.

If you wish to choose Microsoft or Apple as your preferred method of authentication, you'll need to repeat the process for each third party to enable the authentication.

To enable Google authentication on desktop

  1. Open your internet browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.).
  2. Navigate to accounts.snapplify.com
  3. Enter your Snapplify account details and click on 'Sign In with Snapplify'.
  4. On the next page, you'll be asked if you'd like to update your profile details. Click 'Quickly update'.
  5. On the next page, click on the arrow in the 'Single Sign On' block to the right of your screen on the 'My Profile' tab.
  6. Click 'Sign In with Google'.
  7. Click on the 'Sign In with Google' icon and log in with your Snapplify account.
  8. When complete, you will be notified that your 'Account connected successfully'! This means that you've enabled Google to sign in to Snapplify with your existing username and password.

To enable Google authentication on the iOS Snapplify Reader app

  1. On iOS, open the Snapplify Reader app and log in with your Snapplify account.
  2. Once you’re logged in, tap on the gear icon and tap on ‘Link Account.'
  3. Click on the 'Sign In with Google' icon and log in with your Snapplify account.
  4. When complete, you will be notified that your 'Account connected successfully'! This means that you've enabled Google to sign in to Snapplify with your existing username and password.

To enable Google authentication on the Android Snapplify Reader app

  1. On Android, open the Snapplify Reader app and log in with your Snapplify account.
  2. Once you’re logged in, tap on the three lines (top left), then tap on your Profile and tap on 'Link Account'.
  3. Enter your Snapplify account details and click on 'Sign In with Snapplify.'
  4. Click on 'Let's Go'.
  5. Click on the 'Sign In with Google' icon and log in with your Snapplify account.
  6. When complete, you will be notified that your 'Account connected successfully'! This means that you've enabled Google to sign in to Snapplify with your existing username and password.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].