If an institution you work with has enabled hardcopy purchasing in Engage, you will have set a deadline for hardcopy orders and updated this in the school's Engage platform.

Some booksellers will offer free delivery up to a certain date or for a certain minimum order amount. Once this date has passed, free delivery is no longer an option. The setting will automatically update on any orders placed in Engage once the deadline has passed.

To set free delivery:

  1. After logging in to Engage, navigate to the settings section by clicking the cog icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  2. On the 'Procurement Settings' page
  3. Under 'Free Shipping', select 'Yes'.
  4. Update the 'Free shipping expiration date', 'Minimum order amount' , 'Shipping Price' and 'Shipping Note' fields.
  5. Click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

Learn more about the delivery process for institutions.

For any queries regarding your book delivery, and to confirm your deadline for hardcopy orders and agreed delivery date, please contact your school’s appointed hardcopy bookseller.

Need any other help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].