Once your school has signed up for Scholastic Literacy Pro with Snapplify, you'll be able to start using powerful reading assessment tools with your Engage e-library to build reading skills.

Not only is Literacy Pro paired with your school's unique digital library, but we've made logging in really easy – you can launch Literacy Pro from within Engage or from within your Snapplify Reader

Scholastic Literacy Pro is an add-on for the Professional and Enterprise Engage tiers.

Only users that are assigned to a class will be able access Literacy Pro. Your school's Literacy Pro champion (i.e. the admin) needs to:

  • Ensure that all users are imported to the school's Engage platform and assigned the correct user roles.
  • Complete the Snapplify school class sample.

The Snapplify team will then create/import the school classes in Engage.

When your school's onboarding is complete, the class's teacher has to sign in to Literacy Pro first. Once the teacher has launched the class and assigned a grade to it, the class is activated in Literacy Pro and the rest of the class members are able to sign in as well.

Signing in to Scholastic Literacy Pro from Engage

  1. Once logged in to Engage, navigate to your Apps gallery in the top navigation tabs
  2. From the Apps displayed select "Launch" On literacy pro
  3. For Teachers a pop-up will appear, click the 'Launch' button. Scholastic Literacy Pro launches and you'll be auto-signed in. Learners will not see the pop-up, however be launched into Literacy Pro automatically.

If your Literacy Pro App is not visible in your Apps Gallery, speak to your Snapplify Platfrom Admin to enable this for you 

Signing in to Scholastic Literacy Pro from Snapplify Reader

This is available for Desktop, Android and iOS Readers while connected online only

  1. Once logged into your Snapplify Reader navigate to the Literacy Pro icon.
  2. Select the icon and you will be launched into your Literacy pro class

If you are a teacher or Admin, click the arrow next to your profile image in the top right hand side of the screen to find helpful resources on using Literacy Pro.

If you've been assigned to a class and your class teacher has already signed in to Literacy Pro, you will automatically be signed into Literacy Pro from Engage going forward.

However, if you're still seeing an error on signing in, contact your school's Literacy Pro champion. If you're an admin seeing an error, please email us at [email protected].

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].