If you have received a voucher code from a Snapplify partner, you will need to redeem the voucher to access the product or credit that is attached to the voucher.

Are you in the right place? If you haven't already received a voucher code from a Snapplify partner, you may be looking for information on another kind of voucher:

To redeem your voucher:

  1. Navigate to redeem.snapplify.com and sign in. (If you do not yet have a Snapplify account, register here, or sign in using your existing Google, Microsoft or Apple account.)
  2. From the Snapplify partner options, select where you got your voucher from.
  3. Next, enter your voucher code and click the 'Redeem' button.

If you have redeemed a voucher from a bookseller or publisher, you claim your ebooks by clicking 'Redeem'. You can then log in to the Snapplify Reader app using the same login details that you used to redeem your voucher, and your books will be available to read.

If you have redeemed an eBucks voucher, Snapplify credit is now added to your account.

Redeeming vouchers via the Snapplify Reader app

Use the following steps to redeem a voucher through the Snapplify Reader app. Note that redeeming in-app is currently only supported on Android and desktop (Windows and macOS).


  1. Open the Snapplify Reader app on your Android device and sign in to your account.
  2. When signed in, navigate to the top left of your screen in the app and tap on the three lines in the header menu, then select 'Redeem a Voucher'.
  3. Enter the voucher code, then click 'Redeem Voucher'.

Windows and macOS

  1. Open the Snapplify Reader app and sign in to your account.
  2. Click 'Redeem Voucher' in the navigation.
  3. You are redirected to Snapplify Redeem. Sign in and follow the steps above to redeem the voucher.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at help@snapplify.com.