If you need to buy a certain number of titles for students, but your students have not finished enrolling or you are unsure of their identities, as is often the case at a University or TVET institution, you have the option to pre-purchase the books. This allows you to distribute them to students at a later date. Students will be automatically entitled an available copy of each book on the list when they join the group attached to your pre-purchased prescribed list.
Once you have set up your prescribed lists and groups and you have loaded your credit you can pre-purchase the titles you need from the prescribed list in Engage.
You must have Finance role to load credit and pre-purchase titles
If you need help setting up your prescribed lists or groups, you will find our quick mini course very helpful, to learn how to manage the finance processes see our Snapplify Certified Bursar course which you can complete in under 15 mins.
Pre Purchasing titles on your prescribed list
- Once logged in to Engage, navigate to the prescribed lists by clicking ‘Textbooks’.
- From the “published” tab, select the prescribed list you would like to purchase.
- On the right-hand block, you will see if you have any pre purchase titles available. Select “Purchase Prescribed List”.
- You will see the Review order page with all the titles on the prescribed list, to purchase the right quantity you must update the Quantity option at the bottom
- If you do not have enough credit you will receive a warning block. Select the “add Credit” option and follow the instructions
- If you have sufficient credit you will be able to finalize your order
To view your Pre-purchased totals
You can see how many titles remain in the pre-purchased pile by selecting the prescribed list in question and reviewing the Pre-Purchased block
If a user joins a group and there are no pre-purchased titles available they will be informed with the following error
If you do not have the Pre-purchased option you need to contact your Account manager to enable this in your Engage Platform
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