If your institution has set up SnapSync for d6+ you will be able to view your connection status, manage pending users, and access all additional information from the SnapSync section in your Engage Admin panel. 

Viewing your connection status

Your SnapSync page will show very clearly how many accounts have been synced as well as provide a clear status for either Connect or Connected.

Should you wish to disconnect for any reason, you will need to select the “I want to disconnect” option in Engage and remove the integration in your d6+ platform. 


The SyncStatus section provides an overview of the status of your user Sync. Should this be in Error for any reason, no user information will sync. Reach out to us at [email protected] and we can assist.

Managing Pending users

The user's email address is checked against any existing users that share the same authentication profile, if a user exists, we put the integration record on hold, and require the admin to 'approve' the user; this is done in Engage, via the 'Pending User' lists.

Select a single or multiple users and select “Approve” 

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