The Snapplify Reader app includes a powerful table of contents functionality, which allows students and educators to quickly and easily navigate to the correct place in their ebooks and e-textbooks.

The table of contents is available on all versions of the Snapplify Reader. If you cannot see a table of contents, it is possible that the publisher of the ebook has not set it up.

To access the table of contents, follow the instructions for your specific device:

iOS and Android

  1. Once your ebook is open in the reader app, tap on the screen to access the tool options.
  2. Next, tap on the book icon.

    An open iOS and Android reader with the book icon selected.
  3. The ‘Contents’ tab opens. Tap the relevant header to navigate to the corresponding place in the ebook.

    The 'Contents' tab opens, displaying the book's table of contents.

Windows and macOS

The steps to access the table of contents on desktop depend on whether the format of your ebook is an ePUB or a PDF.

To access the table of contents in an ePUB:

  1. Once your ebook is open in the reader app, click the 'Table of Contents' icon on the toolbar.
    Table of Contents icon.
  2. The table of contents opens in a pane alongside your ebook. Click the relevant header to navigate to the corresponding place in the ePUB.

    An open ebook displayed on Windows and Mac devices. The table of contents is open in a pane alongside the ebook. Click a header to navigate to the corresponding section in the ePUB   

To access the table of contents in a PDF:

  1. Once your PDF is open in the desktop reader app, click the 'Toggle Sidebar' icon on the toolbar.
    'Toggle Sidebar' icon
  2. A pane opens alongside the PDF, showing the pages of the PDF in thumbnail view. From here, click the 'Show Document Outline' icon, which lists the PDF's pages. Click the page name to navigate to the corresponding place in the PDF.

    A pane opens alongside the PDF, displaying pages in thumbnail view. The 'Show Document Outline' icon is available to list the PDF's pages. Click a page name to navigate to the corresponding section in the PDF.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].