From useful study materials, like past exam papers, to leisure reads (like novels, poetry, and plays), your digital library in Engage has a wealth of resources for you to use and enjoy.

Plus, you can log in and check out your ebooks any time – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Finding ebooks in the library

To find what you're looking for:

1. Search for an eBook

  1. Go to the Snapplify Engage Library.
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the page to enter a book title, author, or keyword.
  3. Browse the results and select the eBook you want

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2. Filter Your Search

  •  To refine your search results, use the filter options:
    • Category – Find books by subject or genre.
    • Publisher – See books from specific publishers.
    • Language – Select books in your preferred language.
    • Sort Options – Arrange results by popularity, newest releases, or relevance.

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3. Borrowing an eBook

  •  If the eBook is available in your library: Click ‘Read’ to open it instantly.
  • If the eBook is not in your library: Click ‘Check Out’ and complete the checkout process.
Your Institution's librarian sets the number of books you can borrow at a time and the borrowing period

4. Access Your eBooks

  • All eBooks you’ve borrowed can be found under 'My Reading' in Snapplify Engage.
  • Open the book and start reading right away  in the Snapplify Reader.

If someone else is currently reading an ebook that you'd like to check out, you can click the 'Add to Wait List' button. When the book is returned to the e-library, it will automatically be assigned to your account if you are the next user on the book’s ‘Wait List’.

If the ebook you're interested to read is not currently owned/licensed by your library, you can click the ‘Request Book’ button to let your librarian know that you wish to borrow this title.


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