When a group in Engage is set to "joinable," you can join or leave it as needed. Follow the steps below to manage your group membership. 

Joining a joinable group

To join a joinable group in Engage:

  1. Open Engage and navigate to the Groups section.
  2. Find the group you want to join. 
  3. Select Join Group to become a member.
  4. When asked if you’re sure you want to join this group, click ‘Yes’.

Note: The Groups block on the Home page only displays groups set to 'joinable' by an administrator. Other assigned groups may not appear here. If you can't find a group, check with the group administrator.

Leaving a joinable group

To leave a joinable group in Engage:

  1. Open Engage and go to the Home page.
  2. In the Groups block, locate the group you want to leave.
  3. Select Leave Group.

Note: If a group’s settings change and it is no longer joinable, you will remain a member unless removed by an administrator.

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