Managing your study notes and highlighted content is essential for keeping your reading experience organized and clutter-free. The Snapplify Reader App makes it simple to create, view, and manage highlights and notes. However, you may sometimes need to delete notes or highlights to refine your focus or clear out old content. This guide will walk you through the easy steps to delete unwanted highlights and notes in the Snapplify Reader App, helping you keep your digital reading environment neat and efficient.

The process for deleting highlights and notes in the Snapplify Reader app will be slightly different across the various platforms.

When you delete a highlight on an iOS or Android device, the associated note is removed as well.

To delete highlights and notes in your ebook, follow the instructions for your specific device:


  1. Tap on the highlighted text or the callout icon that displays at the highlighted text.

  2. A pop-up menu opens. From here, tap the delete icon, which displays as a trash can.

  3. A pop-up message requests confirmation for the delete. Tap 'Yes'.

Both the highlight and note are deleted.


  1. Tap the highlighted text. Tools will become available at the base of your screen.
  2. Tap the delete icon, which displays as a trash can.

Both the highlight and note are deleted.

Windows and macOS

  1. Click the highlighted text.
  2. In the pop-up menu that opens, click 'Remove'. Only the note is deleted.
  3. To delete the highlight, click the highlighted text again, then click 'Remove' in the pop-up menu.

If you ever need to add annotations to your ebook again, you can easily add highlights and notes in the Snapplify Reader. 

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