If you need an invoice to top up your institution's account balance in Engage, you can do so in a few simple steps.
Only users with the Finance role are able to add to/review your institution's account balance.
To generate an invoice for Engage balance top-ups
- Follow the steps to load your Engage account balance.
- Once you are redirected to the payment page, select your preferred method of payment.
- Tick the checkboxes at the base of the payment page to confirm you have read and understood the terms, conditions, and purchasing policy; then click the ‘Pay Now’ button.
You'll receive an email from Snapplify confirming your order, with instructions for finalising payment. - Next, generate an invoice from the Orders section in Engage.
When making EFT payments, you'll need to email your proof of payment and reference number (which can be found on your invoice and in the order confirmation email) to [email protected]. Once the funds have been received, Snapplify's Finance team will load your institution's Engage credit.
Learn how to check and manage your institution's orders in Engage.
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