There are two types of LTI Integrations that Snapplify Supports, if your LMS has LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage capabilities, such as D2L Brigtspace or Moodle, you can integrate with Snaplify Engage. 

  1. LTI 1.0 Basic Launch
  2. LTI 1.3 Deep link


This article will explain how each of these integrations works, and provide links to instructions for setting each up.  You will also need to understand how to set up the LTI integration in Engage.

Basic Launch

The basic launch is part of the Legacy LTI tools and can be set up and managed under the Adiminstration section of your LMS

This means that you can configure a link to Engage from within your LMS. A user will be able to navigate from the LMS to Snapplify Engage and be automatically registered for Engage, but only ever need one log in. You can configure the redirect URL to any part of Engage, If you do not add a custom redirect URL, the Overview page is set as the default.

The basic launch supports custom parameters that enable the following: 

  • The Student is automatically added to a designated group in Engage.
  • The Student is automatically allocated any content prescribed to the designated group in Engage.
  • The Student is automatically prompted to complete the purchase of any prescribed content they have been allocated.
  • The student can browse the library and check these books out on loan

Deep Linking

The most frequent activity your students will perform is clicking on content links within course modules to open their prescribed books, and read and learn each day. This uses the Engage LTI Deep Linking integration.  

The student journey is as follows:
A student clicks a link in your LMS → The student is added to a group in Engage, and automatically allocated any content prescribed to the designated group in Engage → Deep Link integration recognizes that the student would like to open a book → the Engage Deep Link integration automatically launches the Reader application → the student is automatically logged in → the linked book automatically opens in the Reader application.

This entire process takes ~3 seconds.

To set up the deep links you will need to follow set steps, Where and how you set these up may change based on your specific LMS but the flow remains the same:

Step 1: Register Snapplify Engage as a tool within your LMS

Step 2: Set Up LTI settings in Snapplify Engage using the details from Step 1

Step 3: Deploy the “Tool” within your LMS

Step 4: Ensure Prescribed lists and Groups are set up in Snapplify Engage 

Step 5: Create links to your content in the courses of your LMS from Snapplify Engage

Setting up a registered tool is done once only for your LMS and can be deployed in every course if required. 

Note: For help with D2L Brightspace see: Creating an External Learning Tool in D2L Brightspace
For help with Moodle: Creating an External Learning Tool in Moodle

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