Once Literacy Pro opens, after signing in from the Engage platform, you will be taken through a short guide of the main functions a teacher will be using.

Step 1: Sign in to Literacy Pro

  • Log into Engage and follow the steps in the following article. 

Step 2: Welcome steps

You are able to earn points to win medals and unlock Avatars.

Choose your Avatar from the available options.

Choose the types of books you enjoy reading.

Step 3: Dashboard

See how well you are doing by looking at your 'Points', 'Level', 'Lexile Level', Medals, and 'Certificates'.

You can see the 'Recommended' books for you. These titles are based on the Lexile level and the interests you chose.

You can see any 'Quizzes' or 'Assignments' in your name that your teacher would have allocated.

Students can also refer to the following article to find more information.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right hand corner of your screen or email us at [email protected]