Because we believe in making learning as accessible as possible, the Snapplify Reader app offers accessibility features, including the ability to turn text to audio, meaning that you can choose to listen to the words rather than read them.

Text-to-speech is a great way to handle assessments with students who have exam concessions. Instead of finding separate venues and readers for each learner, with the text-to-speech function, you can simply have the question papers read to the learners over headphones in one venue. This saves teachers from having to find venues and external readers.

To activate the text-to-speech accessibility feature, follow the instructions for your specific device:


  1. Open the Settings page on your Apple device.
  2. Tap 'Accessibility.
  3. Tap 'Spoken Content' and then make sure 'Speak Selection' is on. You can also adjust the speaking rate here.
  4. After activating 'Speak Selection', navigate to the Snapplify Reader app and open your ebook. 
  5. Select text in your ebook as if you were going to make a note or highlight. A pop-up of options will display. Tap on 'Speak' for the text to be read aloud.

    Steps to enable 'Speak Selection' on an Apple device and use it in the Snapplify Reader app. The Settings page is open, showing 'Accessibility' selected. Under 'Spoken Content,' 'Speak Selection' is turned on. The image also illustrates selecting text in an ebook within the Snapplify Reader app and tapping 'Speak' from the pop-up options to have the text read aloud.


  1. Open the Settings page on your Android device.

    An Android device displaying the Settings page on the screen.
  2. Navigate to the 'Accessibility' settings.

    Screenshot showing the Accessibility setting open on an Android device.
  3. Tap on 'Select to Speak', then activate the 'Select to Speak' toggle switch.

    Screenshot showing the 'Select to Speak' settings on an Android device, with the 'Select to Speak' toggle switch being activated.
  4. Once the 'Select to Speak' feature is enabled, navigate to the Snapplify Reader app and open your ebook.
  5.  Tap on the screen to access the tool options, then tap on the human figure icon at the base of the screen.
    An Android device showing tool options after tapping the screen. The human figure icon at the bottom is highlighted.
  6. Click the play button to start the read-aloud feature or tap on the screen to auto-start the playback at that specific spot. You can use the rest of the controls to access further options.

    he read-aloud feature is displayed on an Android device, with the play button highlighted. Playback controls for additional options are also visible on the screen.

Windows and macOS

  1. Once your ebook is open in the reader app, select the text to be read aloud.An open ebook in the reader app on Windows and Mac, with selected text highlighted for the read-aloud featureThe 'Speak' icon is clicked in the reader app on Windows/Mac, and the selected te
  2. Click the 'Speak' icon. The selected text will be read aloud.

    The 'Speak' icon is clicked in the reader app on Windows/Mac, and the selected text is being read aloud.

Another great feature you might find useful is the specialised font to help readers with dyslexia.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].