Once you have signed into your school's Engage instance and successfully launched into Literacy Pro, you will be able to explore the challenges that you will find exciting and that will motivate you to achieve your goals. You will be able to learn about the many rewards available when earning points.
- Medals
- Unlocking Avatars
- Certificates
- Achievements
You can collect medals by earning points on a monthly basis. The more points you earn during the month the higher your medal will be (Bronze, Silver or Gold).
This can be seen on your Learner Home Page in LiteracyPro:
If you click on the Medals icon you will be taken to a screen that reflects the medals you have earned month on month as below:
Unlocking Avatars
Provided on the Learner Home Page will be "Points Tally" where you will be able to see how many points you have accumulated:
If you click on this section it will take you to see more information on the total points you have and how many points you need to Unlock new Avatars:
Click on the certificates icon on the Learner Home Page to see if you have earned any certificates while earning points:
If you are looking for a more specific challenge look no further than the "Achievements Wall". These are great goals to work towards:
So there you have it, some fun ways in which to improve yout lexile level and comprehension skills.
Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].