It's time to finalise your order and make payment if you’ve:
- set up prescribed lists;
- set up user groups;
- linked your book lists to user groups;
- added the correct users to these user groups (either manually, by yourself or using joinable groups);
- published your prescribed lists, and
- checked that everyone has the correct books for their grades, subjects and classes.
To make changes to a prescribed list, you will need to unpublish it first, and then republish once edits have been made.
Before you get started
Your payment will be deducted from your account balance in Engage so ensure that your account balance has been loaded before continuing.
- We encourage you to finalise your order for digital books before 31 January, so that users maintain uninterrupted access to the digital resources they need.
- Once payment has been made for digital titles, the Early Access period lapses and the ebooks are officially owned by the end-user (student or staff member).
Placing your order in Engage
To finalise your order for a prescribed list of books:
- Once logged in to Engage, navigate to the prescribed lists by clicking ‘Textbooks’.
- From the published prescribed lists, click the title of the prescribed list you wish to pay for.
- On the prescribed list page, you will be able to view the titles that have been added to your list, as well as the user group associated with this list.
Should you wish to remove any titles, you'll need to click the title in the Titles section, scroll to the Prescribed Lists section of the next page, then click the 'Remove' button at the prescribed list you want to remove the title from. When asked if you're sure you want to remove the title, click 'Yes'.
Note: The number of users who need a particular title may not match the number of users in the group if, for instance, some users in the group already own that title (this is updated automatically so that you don't purchase additional, unnecessary licences). - Once you have double-checked that your list and number of users is correct, click the 'Review Order' button at the bottom of the 'Buy' block.
- On the next page, you will be able to review your order. The total amount due is calculated based on 1) the costs of the items you're ordering and 2) how many users are linked to the associated group.
- When you're ready, click the 'Complete Order' button. The total amount will be deducted from your institution’s account balance and your group's users will have full ownership of these titles.
If you have the Finance role assigned to you, you can view all of your transactions in the Finance section in Engage.
Need help? Contact us at or send us a chat message in Engage using the chatbot in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.